The Liebster Award

First off I want to thank Laura over at Quillwielder for doing me the great honour of awarding me the Liebster Award!

The Award: The Liebster Blog Award is given to up coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest,dearest, beloved, lovely, kindly, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The rules for the Liebster Blog Award are:

  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
  2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
  3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog
  4. Reveal your 5 blog picks.
  5. Let them know you choose them by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are my picks!: This is my dear friend’s blog! We met in college when we were “secret sisters”, both having the same last name (but not really related). We both had our families, and she encountered the extreme lifestyle challenge of having her two boys diagnosed autistic. This is her brave, fabulous, valiant life story in blog form. I am always finding this guy’s posts on the Tag Surfer! We’re doing the same thing and he has lots of great information and feedback written in a clear and engaging way. Tahlia has a great flair for design and her blog is exciting! She really shows a great example of dynamic book promotion. Luv Ya has some direct opinions done in a darling way. Bria says it straight and I love it! Sarah is deep in the forest of diapers and sippy cups, and I feel her pain. Her expressions are delightful and her joy in her life shines out.

Categories: Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Congratulations, you deserve this!

  2. Thanks for this. It’s a nice thought.

  3. Thank you!!! 🙂 Sorry it took a while to say “thanks” it’s been a crazy month. I’ll have to do my awards after Christmas… I hope of the year 2011. 😀 Thank you again you very sweet lady. You made me blush-smile.

  4. Pingback: Ohhh A Blog Award! « Luv YA

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