
Flood of Information

Dwain the tub! I’m dwowning! …in information.

I love to read my followers blog posts and keep up to date on what you guys are doing! But it’s gotten to be entirely too much. I tweaked my settings to get a weekly digest and I get 85+ emails. I’m bummed that it’s more than I can manage.

All of this web stuff feels like more than I can manage. WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Triberr, StumbleUpon, Goodreads, Writing.com, Google+, Reddit, Tumblr, Klout, Linkedin, and too many others flood into my computer every day, and they all link to each other. How do I handle it all?

Somebody has a great opportunity to create a multi-site dashboard that filters this stuff for you. I think it will take a computer guru just to calibrate it, but I’m willing to try if it means I can see the stuff I want to see. But I only want ONE. I refuse to endure five or six programs that do some of what I want. I know you can do it, hackers of the world! If it’s already out there, please let me know.

Do you feel swamped too? What ways do you handle aaaaallllllll the information? (I mean other than setting your computer on fire and giving up.)

Here are a couple of people’s perspectives on our Flood of Information: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/a-flood-of-information-do-you-remember-life-before-social-media-056696

A phrase that made me laugh: infobesity – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_overload

And these guys who say I’m in the minority: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_overload

Categories: Yarf! | Tags: , , , , , , | 6 Comments


I have reached the “playing solitaire” level on my Me, Sleep, Caffeine, and Writing scale this week, and I have executed an anniversary, two birthdays, a dentist appointment, a well-child checkup (with shots), and a jog-a-thon. This afternoon I have a double-playdate of 7-year-old girls (totalling 3) and then a date with my hubby. Tomorrow I have a 4-year-old birthday party with 25 guests (4 of his friends+family and other adults). Sunday I deserve Mother’s day!!!

Needless to say, I had to snag a minute to get this written. I’m not neglecting you. I just have “magnet week” where everything in my life jams into a few days. You know, all that “real life” stuff. Any extra un-crazy minutes will be spent writing and posting Horarium chapters and reading for reviews, I promise.

Categories: Yarf! | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

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