Author Services

Put my self-publishing experience to work for you! I now provide the following services to help in the endless time-suck of the indie market.

In addition, at no cost, I will provide you with feedback on how easy it is to find you and your books online. Rather than have you provide me with links, I will go looking for you and see if I can find your books for sale. Then we will begin.

New! – Review Submittal Service – $30

Book reviews are the key to success in self-publishing. I will research and submit your book review request to book review sites with your information. I do not guarantee you receive a review, but I will research reviewers appropriate to your genre, submit your book, and supply you with a record of each submission and the estimated time for reply if the site offers one.

The first three reviews for a book will cost extra due to setup time, but each additional 5 for the same book will cost the same, even long after the initial requests. (I won’t have to do as much research, so you get more review requests.) If you don’t have a review request letter written yet, I will write it for you (see price below). If you do, I will ask that you provide that. If you have submitted your book to sites, I ask that you provide a list of those sites so that I don’t accidentally duplicate your efforts.

Each book, First 3 review requests – $30

Same book, Additional 5 review requests – $30

Custom-written Review Request Letter – $10


(Proceed to bottom of page for sign-up form)

WordPress blog setup – $60

I will set up a WordPress blog for you with photos of your book(s) and links to other social media sites for you. When you post to your WordPress blog, it will post to all your current social media when I am done. I am not a web designer, but something is better than nothing, right?

WordPress/Blogspot social media connection – $20

You know that thing where you post on your blog and then it tweets for you and posts about it on Facebook and other social media? No? Well it does and I know how to hook that up for you. If you have tried and can’t get it to work, then I will do it for you. All my other setup services will include this for no additional charge.

Twitter Setup – $30

Face it. This social media thing is so complicated. If you can’t do it or don’t have time, I will set up Twitter for you, complete with photos and bio.

Facebook for people who don’t do Facebook – $60

If you “don’t do” Facebook, I can set it up for you so none of your creepy High School stalkers can find you but your book fans CAN and they can’t see any personal information.

(Proceed to bottom of page for sign-up form)

Facebook Page(s) – $30

I will set up a Facebook author page, book page, etc. for you that will connect to your personal Facebook profile with public book promotion and no sharing of personal information to the public. I can add photos, links, and other great info so everyone can see your book and you can take advantage of Facebook’s page promotion services.

Facebook Sock Puppet – $60

This is a fun option for writers who want to be able to be “friends” with people they might not want to know their personal info. I will set up a Facebook account for your pen name and no connection to your personal account.

Beta Reading

First analysis – $30 (required before Beta read)

Beta read – $30 per hour

Are you looking for an experienced beta reader for your novel who gives insight like I  do in my reviews, only more comprehensive? Well, that would be me!

“Kate did a beta-read for my books, and I was very happy she did! It’s beneficial to have someone with both an objective view and industry knowledge be a sounding board before sending a story into editing. Kate has done this for me, as well as photography design for one of my books that got great reviews for photography. She is knowledgeable, timely, professional, and has a passion for writing and the publishing industry that comes through in her great working relationship.” ~Nadia Riell

“I used Kate Policani to Beta-read by first novel. Her insight into the story and characters was very helpful and made me see things I couldn’t not have recognised on my own. Having Beta-readers is important and I recommend Kate’s service.” ~Laura Pfundt

But wait…what is a beta reader?

beta reader, also pre-reader, is a person who reads a written work, generally fiction, with what has been described as “a critical eye, with the aim of improving grammar, spelling, characterization, and general style of a story prior to its release to the general public.” (From Wikipedia)

When should I use a beta reader? Beta readers help the most just before an author is ready to send their manuscript to the editor. If your book is unfinished, you won’t get the most out of my service. If you have sent it to your editor, you will have to re-submit any changes you make based on my critique and that wastes your time and the editor’s. I will accept already-published books for this service and critique them like I would an unfinished work.

As a fantasy and science-fiction author, I feel most confident critiquing these genres, however I am happy to consider any book that also meets my requirements for review. In short, I don’t do Horror, Erotica, Gay/Lesbian, or Manuals.

As an added bonus, I will also review your book on my review site after you edit and publish! I also love to participate in book releases (hint, hint).

Unfortunately due to the complexity of my schedule, I must charge for this service in most cases. I will accept payment via paypal. Here are my prices:

First analysis – $30

I will look at your book for one uninterrupted hour and give you a quick run-down of obvious changes to make, including how far I could read in one hour – a great gauge of the readability of your book. I will return it to you within a few days with my suggestions and give you an idea of when I have time to beta-read the full book, once you implement the changes from my analysis. (Example: I discover that you begin every sentence with a pronoun. My analysis of your book will have more depth if this obvious problem is corrected first.) I have included a place in the form to include your first chapter (or the first 3,000 words).

Beta read – $30 per hour

I will provide a detailed critique of writing line by line and any help I can for spelling, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage. I prefer to work with Word documents because of Word’s tracking and comment features, but I am happy to work with anything you prefer. You can decide how long you want me to spend on the book. The more time I have to examine your work, the better.

Note: I am not a certified editor. I have pretty awesome skills with grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but no formal training to edit manuscripts. I will not publish a review for any manuscript that has not gone to an actual editor. My editor is Kathleen Firstenberg, and I recommend hiring her for her excellent work and reasonable rates.

Please fill out the contact form to inquire about my services :


5 thoughts on “Author Services

  1. Kate: When you digitally format a book, does that include .mobi, ePub, prc, etc. files/versions that an author needs to self publish on most venues?

    • Most publishing sites convert for you into their chosen formats with your PDF or word document. There are many venues available and you can choose the ones you prefer.

  2. Pingback: Kate Policani: Author Services | R. b. Holbrook

  3. Pingback: New release! Colt 45 by Chris Redfern | Kate Policani

  4. Pingback: Review Submission Service – NEW | Kate Policani

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